
Company Background

Conceived by its founders in late 1993, the USoft Corporation was created to address this need. USoft was initially funded with $50,000,000 from Unisys Corporation. Unisys recognized that their investment in USoft could provide a way to participate in the high growth application development market as well as assist their customers in moving to client/server computing.

To quickly enter the market, USoft elected to purchase rather than develop the necessary suite of products. During 1994 the founders of USoft reviewed over 100 potential software companies and in late 1994 purchased the company that had ranked first in software technology, level of customer satisfaction, and employee talent, TopSystems International. USoft was launched in February, 1995 with 150 employees, 250 satisfied customer references, 10 worldwide sales and services offices, and a proven research and development organization.

USoft has continued to add products for interoperability and reporting and now provides a complete, integrated client/server development and interoperability environment. USoft has established strategic partnerships with the leading database and CASE modeling tools vendors, with best-of-breed application providers, with System Integration vendors, and with consulting organizations. In addition, USoft has direct access, if appropriate, to the Unisys customer base, the Unisys services organization, and Unisys industry experts.
